Edenton, NC, Attractions

While there are many things to do in our town, the Edenton, NC, attractions that we highlight tend to have their roots in the town’s roots – in the historic beginnings and experiences of Edenton since Colonial times. Edenton was established in 1712 and was originally called Towne on Queen Anne’s Creek. It was renamed and incorporated in 1722 as the town of Edenton after Governor Charles Eden. Being one of the oldest towns in the state, it’s understandable that our historic buildings are one of our most cherished Edenton, NC, attractions, and we’ve worked hard to maintain and restore them to both honor our past and give people a sort of living history lesson today. Many of these sites date to the early 1700s, some remind us of the trials of wars and a few are houses of worship that have welcomed parishioner for more than 300 years. Some of our local industries that were housed in gracious old buildings, peanut farming and cotton ginning, also are current-day Edenton attractions. And, we give you fun ways to visit all these sites with ease through guided, self-guided and trolley tours.

Outdoor Edenton, NC, Attractions

Not every Edenton, NC, attraction is of the historic sort! In an area where waterways meet land, you can count on boat cruises and lighthouses. Those same waters and the rich ecosystem they provide serve as the backdrop for a national fish hatchery. And, as an Edenton attraction of a somewhat similar ilk, native son Jim “Catfish” Hunter’s museum is a regional draw as is the sport of baseball that he so helped support.

Historic Edenton

Edenton, NC, Attraction
108 N. Broad Street, Edenton
(252) 482-2637

As the North Carolina's second oldest town, Edenton's rich culture and history attract visitors and have earned it recognition at the state and national levels. Walking around the historic downtown is almost like being in an outdoor history museum. Start at the Historic Edenton Visitors Center to check out its exhibits and pick up maps and recommendations for what to see and when. Visit the...read more

As the North Carolina's second oldest town, Edenton's rich culture and history attract visitors and...read more

Penelope Barker House

Edenton, NC, Attraction
505 S. Broad Street, Edenton
(252) 482-7800

One Edenton attraction that often catches people's eyes before any other is the Penelope Barker House. The three-story white house rests at the end of Edenton's historic downtown, half facing S. Broad Street and the other overlooking the sound. Also serving as Edenton and Chowan County's welcome center, it's known as "Edenton's living room." Visitors tend to pick up informational pamphlets here as well as...read more

One Edenton attraction that often catches people's eyes before any other is the Penelope Barker...read more

Edenton, NC, Attractions Continued...