Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina – Named the South’s Prettiest Small Town
The Edenton-Chowan Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary membership association that serves as the unified voice of the business community. The Edenton-Chowan Chamber of Commerce has a membership base of over 200 business members located in Edenton and Chowan and in the Northeast Region of North Carolina.
The Edenton-Chowan Chamber of Commerce is a private, not for profit 501 (c) (6) organizations. The Chamber of Commerce unites hundreds of companies, professionals, organizations, groups and educational institutions who are committed to build a better community in Edenton and Chowan County. Most of our members are small businesses interested in creating and fostering a healthy environment in which to conduct business.
The strength of the Chamber lies in attracting a great number of members, thus creating a pool of resources from which to draw ideas, energy, and financial support. The Chamber of Commerce Board of directors is people within the membership that are elected by the membership to conduct the business of the Edenton-Chowan Chamber of Commerce.